Today is the 20th 5th of July for Fatur.
And here are 20 things you should be grateful for:
1. Allah SWT, the one who gives you LIFE.
2. Ibu, the one who loves you more than anyone and take care of you more than you realize.
3. Ayah, the one who makes you who you are now.
4. Papah, the one who gives you such an insight.
5. Kung dan Uti, the ones who always make you a priority and their most loved grandchildren. The ones who take care of you since you were kid until now.
6. Salsa dan Faza, the ones who somehow reflect you and admire you without you knowing. The ones who make home warmer (even though sometimes you find them annoying, they are still in any way fulfill your energy)
7. UI, one thing you should be grateful for because not everyone could feel being in your position now. Moreover, you can successfully survive the first 4 semesters, and 4 more (let us hope its just 3,5) to come, aamiin.
8. Friends, the ones to whom you can rely on, be grateful for the easiness you feel in adapting to any environment so that you successfully make so many good friends who bring positivity to you. (I am the one who should be grateful that you still and will always be the wise one who keep in the right track).
9. All the facilities you have, you know why you should be grateful. You already have what you need for now.
10. The mind and way of thinking that you have. I could tell that there are bunch of people (especially our friends) who admire your thought.
11. The opportunity that you can achieve in your career life; improve your skills, such as by being the leader at any good events. (BAZKOOOOM!)
12. Many good and bad things that you already experienced since you were kid😧! that in any way make you stronger and wiser than others.
13. Healthiness you feel, you are rarely feeling sick. (Except sariawan!!!!😢)
14. The positive targets that you already set which make you feel motivated.
15. Places that you have visited, though it is not many yet, but you should still be grateful that you can visited those places (many more to visit with me, aamiin)
16. Any prayers that is sent to you from your surroundings.
17. 5 Juli 1997, tiny little Fatur was born healthily.
18. 18 Januari 2013, we should be grateful that you bravely say that 'thing'.😉
19. Rinanda Maulida Johan, you know why.
20. Oh, one more. You are 20 yet you are way more cooler than any other guys😝😝😝
Happy Birthday, Muhammad Hadafi Faturrahman❤️

- Rinanda Maulida Johan
- Jakarta, ID, Indonesia
- Sketched by God. Saved by trust. xx
Selasa, 04 Juli 2017
Selasa, 17 Januari 2017
Rinanda Maulida Johan
17th January 2013
"She is a Simple Girl, but far too Complex to define. Something that very few would know how to love." - Becca Lee
HI! this is super awkward, but why would I wrote my name on this post? Obviously, it wasn't me who wrote this down, and yes, actually this time I am the one she called Him. (LOL! maybe I hacked in to Her blog, but she wouldn't mind, I suppose...)
Okay, *inhale-exhale* I noticed that she mentioned my name before, so let's catching up quickly. I reckon my life is, subjectively, complex more than some people with ups and downs that I barely managed to whistand. For me, as an Engineer AAMIIN!!! complexity is somehow very interesting, those numbers and equations are a never ending challenges. But those are not the point isn't it?
Yes, those are not the point why I wrote this down on Her Blog. As my life goes on, I realise that simplicity is the most complex thing to learn. From this moment, I may wrote something you would consider as exaggerating, but let's assume that the Quote earlier made me done it. She, as I mention earlier in this post, the one who changed my point of view of a true beauty, trust, and most importantly being loved.
"For it would take an extraordinary soul, tainted and etched with loving scars, to truly embrace the duality of her being - the beautiful tragedy of her tarnished innocence." - Becca Lee
Just by being with her makes me feel alive, I am so excited to see her. Those little things (and big things that can't be describe by words either) are something I would never exchange for anything in this world. But, then again, is this the point of this post? And the answer is.....Nope, it isn't!
HMM cukup deh pake Bahasa Inggrisnya HAHAHA kehabisan kata-kata sih sebenernya, ya mau gimana lagi, pertama kalinya nge-Blog loh! *cheers* dan inti dari post ini adalah dan selalu Rinanda Maulida Johan xoxoxo HEHEHE bagi kalian yang penasaran kenapa gue suka dan sayang banget sama Uli, ya bisalah dapet beberapa dari post ini! (fyi, this content may have subjectivism but honestly it's the truth I felt about Her!)
Mulai dari mana ya ini..... Mungkin setiap laki-laki beda pandangan mengenai perempuan, ada yang suka ini dan yang suka itu, kalau gue sukanya ya Uli HAHAHA apasih! Tapi bener deh, pertama kali gue liat Uli itu pas mau LDKS di 68 dan gue langsung suka sama dia! (actually, she later confess that she already know and admire me!) menurut gue, logikanya adalah laki-laki suka sama perempuan awalnya pasti karena fisiknya, dan iya bener gue suka Uli (walaupun masih banyak lagi tapi ini versi pendeknya ya!):
1. karena fisik dan penampilan Uli. Dari kelas gue yang IC dibawah, susah banget ngeliat dia pada awalnya tapi gimana ya gue pengen banget ngeliat dia, sering banget gue sok-sok ke suatu tempat yang ada dia cuma untuk ngomong "hai rin..." wkakwkakka super awkward, but I love those butterflies though! *not exactly butterflies*
2. karena sifat dan pemikirannya. Yup! ini lah yang gue katakan diatas sebagai hal yang mengubah banyak hal dalam hidup gue. Dari yang ngga banget ke oke banget deh HEHE tapi serius, gue merasakan semua jadi lebih baik dan teman-teman gue pun berkata demikian
3. karena dia adalah uli yang selalu simple. Akhirnya ya! ini sih yang buat gue selalu senyum dan heran sendiri. Hmm sorry for comparing, but she's totally out-cool anyone with this! kenapa? karena......banyak deh! tapi dia beda, dia bener-bener beda dari kebanyakan orang yang gue temuin, dia selalu seperti ini dan gue harap selalu seperti ini
"Knowledge that warmed her heart and contented her spirit. For to be loved by many is a superficial pleasure, but to be loved by just one for the true essence of her being..." - Becca Lee
Di hari ini, 4 tahun lalu, gue yang telah merencanakan semuanya untuk nembak Uli pun akhirnya melakukan hal tersebut. No need to tell you all the stories, but she didn't say yes at first! dia bilang "gue butuh waktu buat pikirin dulu ya..." rasanya gabisa dijelaskan deh, intinya gue pengen tau apasih pertimbangan dia, apasih yang dipikirin dia, dan kenapa dia gabisa langsung bilang iya? akhirnya dia pulang sama kakaknya ke rumah dan gue pun gabisa pulang karena mikirin ini tapi mau gimana lagi, apa dia bakal lama ya mikirnya atau blablabla banyak kemungkinan deh yang gue pikirin.
Tapi akhirnya, malam itu pun gue ngerasa gue butuh banget nih kepastian, karena gue emang kepo sih orangnya dan gabisa banget dikasih ketidakpastian gitu hehehe lama banget deh gue telfonan sama Uli, ngomongin ini itu dan sebagainya kemana-mana. (Uli cuma bisa bawel ditelfon kalo sama gue loh!)
18th January 2013
Akhirnya, setelah melewati semua butterflies yang ada saat gue telfon dia, gue coba tanya lagi kepastian dari pertanyaan gue tadi sore di sekolah. Dan ini lah yang dia bilang "hmmm...........................................................iya!" HAHAHA nyebelin kan? hmmm-nya beneran lama loh, dan gue sempet hopeless tapi gue langsung teriak-teriak seneng dan ga percaya sampe dia bilang "kenapa ga percaya? iya beneran!" lucu banget deh kalau diinget semuanya:")
Today, 18th January 2017
YEAY! kembali ke hari ini, ke tanggal ini lagi, dan masih sama Uli HEHEHE seneng banget-banget deh sama semua hal yang sudah dilewatin. "4 tahun bukan waktu yang sebentar Tur..." itu yang Uli bilang belakangan ini ke gue, and she's right! gue hampir gabisa ketemu Uli kapan pun gue mau karena mau kuliah di Bandung, tapi keterimanya di Depok, sebelahan lagi Fakultasnya! dia pernah bilang "aku insecure karena gitu..." *suaranya menghilang* terus pas ditanya apa eh dia selalu bilang "ngga kok bukan apa-apa". Gue tau kok apa yang dia takutin, apa yang dia rasain saat itu Uli bilang tapi setelah 3 semester ini gue malah selalu samperin dia kalau ada waktu kosong (dan gue memang mencari waktu kosong dan mengosongkan waktu), main dan hunting makanan sama dia, dan banyak banget hal-hal seru yang gue lakuin sama Uli!!! I AM SO GRATEFUL and looking forward for the upcoming years I would spent with Her:")
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